"Engineering software for excellent engineers."
HCP Software supplies computer tools for engineering analysis, modelling and simulation of pressurised piping systems transporting fluids.
Our products have a 50+ year track record in drinking water, wastewater, agricultural irrigation and process water systems of all sizes.
We supply personalised customer support and training in addition to the software solutions.
The software enables users to analyse:
Max Olde, founding author of WATSYS and WATHAM, pioneered simulation of water networks and surge analysis in Australia. Max is a civil engineer with a background in water networks gained at Sydney Water.
Chris Vigus, civil engineer, has extensive experience
gained at a senior level in various water corporations and as
an engineering consultant. Chris is a water network
planning and water hammer protection specialist.
We offer robust engineering / simulation tools that:
1 Are proven on a vast range of engineering projects
simple to very complicated).
2 Provide engineering reality to pump stations and control-valve sites not available in some other tools.
3 In the hands of experienced engineers, produce results that almost look like a photocopy of real-world measurements taken during commissioning.